Juliana S. Farinaci


juliana-farinaci_2_croppedI am a Brazilian biologist holding a MSc in Population Genetics and a PhD in Environment and Society. I am currently based, as a post-doctoral researcher, at the Earth Systems Science Center in the National Institute for Space Research (CCST/INPE). My research focuses on interactions between the ecological and the social systems, on topics such as resilience thinking, community-based disaster management, collective action, forest transitions, governance, and science-policy interface. I use a blend of quantitative and qualitative research techniques and analyses, with a special interest in participatory methods and geographic information systems (GIS). I really believe in diversity as strength, and I have an optimistic approach to life. Besides my scientific interests, I like to participate in manifestations of Brazilian popular culture playing traditional drums and other percussion instruments.


My place is Brazil, home of astonishing biophysical and cultural diversity. I live in and research the southeastern region (São Paulo State), where I grew up and learned to love the countryside with its rural landscapes and livelihoods, food, festivities, accent, etc.


My research currently focuses on community resilience and community-based disaster management. I analyze a major flood that occurred in 2010 in São Luiz do Paraitinga, and the ability of its community to self-organize, coping with disaster and quickly restoring the municipality’s structure and functions.

I am also a participant of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and of the Brazilian Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (BPBES).

For more information, please check (in Portuguese): http://lattes.cnpq.br/2663584791791424
