Community Based Tourism in National Protected Areas of Brazil

Community Based Tourism in National Protected Areas of Brazil

Here, the case of the Amazon River Dolphin (Inia geoffrensis) is presented along with how Community-Based Tourism (CBT) efforts in Brazil have not only contributed to ongoing conservation of the species and its habitat, but has also provided a sustainable livelihood alternative which has helped support local communities in the area.

Results from this study show that communities located within protected areas and engaged with Community-Based Tourism activities have been able to sustainably help support their local economy and environment, while having an opportunity to share and celebrate their cultures and traditions with visitors for years to come. The Amazon River Dolphin is described as a catalyst for interest in environmental protection, and in how interactions between the public and wildlife can become an important tool for conservation through CBT.

Important themes emphasized throughout this section include the need for social inclusion from as many local demographics as possible (women, youth, etc), and a discussion of strategies whereby this CBT model can promote intercultural experiences, quality of life, valorization of the history and culture of these populations, as well as sustainable use of resources.

Key themes:

Factors of Success in Community Conservation, Places & Spaces, Livelihoods, Conserved Areas

Presented Material:

thumbnail of CANADA Thiago 2

Thiago do Val Simardi Beraldo Souza (Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation), Marcelo Derzi Vidal (Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation)